Ferry travel from Bari to Montenegro

Traveling by boat from Bari to Montenegro is an excellent choice! Bari Montenegro ferries are operated by 1 ferry companies (Montenegro Lines) serving the ports of Bar and Bari.

To be sure of finding a cheap Bari Montenegro boat ticket, we recommend you use our search engine, which compares offers, prices and timetables from Montenegro Lines.

Ferry Bari Montenegro in figures

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All Bari Montenegro ferry routes

Looking for a Bari Montenegro ferry? Discover the most popular routes that allow you to sail between these different regions. Whether you want to reach islands, historic ports or picturesque beaches, ferries are a convenient and comfortable way to travel between Bari and Montenegro. Comfortable cabins, on-board restaurants, cinemas, children's activities... ferries from Montenegro Lines offer excellent facilities and services for the whole family.

To plan your ferry trip to Bari or Bar, use our fare comparison tool to find the best deals on Bari Montenegro ferry tickets that will save you time and money. Using our easy-to-use search tool, you can find deals and timetables from a number of ferry companies, including Montenegro Lines. There's sure to be a deal to suit your needs and budget. Search from 1 ferry routes between Bari and Montenegro!

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Ferry Bari Montenegro - Cheap tickets

Guide for a ferry journey from Bari to Montenegro

Montenegro: Ferry travel and discovering the country

Ports of Montenegro:
Montenegro has three main ports from which you can embark on a ferry trip. The port of Kotor, on the Gulf of Kotor, is a popular starting point for exploring the beautiful bay and picturesque surroundings. The port of Bar, on the Adriatic coast, also offers connections to many international destinations, making it a convenient choice for travelers from outside the country. Finally, the port of Zelenika, near Herceg Novi, is another ideal starting point for exploring the clear waters of the Adriatic.

Montenegro's islands:
For lovers of natural beauty, the islands of Montenegro are an absolute must. The Bouches de Kotor archipelago includes several magnificent islands, such as Mamula Island and the hotel island of Sveti Stefan, offering breathtaking scenery and pristine sandy beaches. Ferries take you to some of these islands, where you can relax on the beach, enjoy water sports or explore traditional villages.

Montenegro: When is the best season to travel?

The best season to visit Montenegro is undoubtedly summer, from June to September. During this period, the country enjoys a warm, sunny climate, ideal for lounging on the beaches of the Adriatic coast or exploring charming historic towns like Kotor and Budva. Average temperatures during this period are between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius, making it a prime destination for sun worshippers.

However, if you prefer to avoid the crowds of tourists and benefit from lower prices, spring and autumn are also good seasons to visit Montenegro. In spring, April and May, temperatures are pleasant and the countryside green, making it an ideal time to hike through national parks such as Durmitor. In autumn, September and October, temperatures are still mild and you can enjoy the beauty of autumn colors in the mountains.

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