Direct trip to Capri traveling by ferry
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How to get from Amalfi to Capri by ferry ?

Looking for the perfect Amalfi to Capri ferry ticket? Look no further, you've come to the right place. Taking a ferry from Amalfi to Capri is a convenient and enjoyable way to travel.

We know that planning a ferry trip from Amalfi to Capri can be stressful, that's why we do our best to make your Amalfi to Capri ferry booking as quick and easy as possible.

With Vivanoda, our easy to use platform, you can compare prices, routes and services of different ferry companies like NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet or Alilauro. This way you can find the best price for a Amalfi Capri ferry ticket according to your needs and budget, whether you're travelling alone, as a couple or with your family.

Most NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet or Alilauro ships offer onboard amenities such as cabins, restaurants, stores, Wi-Fi and more. Often, they also offer facilities for people with limited mobility.

To find the best deals on ferries from Amalfi to Capri simply enter your travel dates and start your search on Vivanoda.

Amalfi to Capri Ferry Information

Port of departure
Port of arrival
20 mi
Ferry Companies
NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet, Alilauro
Frequency of crossings
4 crossings a day
Minimum crossing time
1 hrs.
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Ferry Amalfi Capri: Price, Timetable and Duration

To travel by ferry from Amalfi to Capri, you'll find tickets ranging from $26 for one person if you're traveling without a car to $30 if you're traveling with your car. The average price we've seen on the Amalfi-Capri route is $29. The average ferry crossing time from Amalfi to Capri is 1 hrs. 3 min. The slowest ferries will take 1 hrs. 27 min to reach Capri, while the fastest boats will reach Capri in 50 min. The first ferry leaves the port of Amalfi at 08:25. The last ferry to Capri leaves Amalfi at 10:30.

Average price of a Amalfi Capri ferry crossing
Price range for Amalfi Capri ferries (Lowest price for 1 passenger and highest price for 1 passenger and a car)
$26 - $30
Average crossing time Amalfi Capri
1 hrs. 3 min
Departure time of first ferry to Capri
Departure time of last ferry to Capri
Arrival time first ferry to Capri
Arrival time of last ferry to Capri

Why take a ferry from Amalfi to Capri ?

Whether you're travelling solo, with a partner or with the family, a Amalfi to Capri ferry can be a convenient and enjoyable option for getting to Capri. Here are 3 reasons why we think Amalfi to Capri ferry is an ideal way to travel.

No need to worry about traveling with your bike
Traveling with your bike by train, plane or bus often turns into a nightmare because it is so cumbersome to carry it. However, on a ferry, you don't have this problem: your bike is loaded directly into the huge garage of the boat. You leave it there for the duration of the Amalfi-Capri crossing in complete safety and without fear of it being damaged. You will get on your bike in Capri to get off the boat.
To get some sea air
The health benefits of sea air are numerous. During the Amalfi-Capri crossing, access the outside of the NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet or Alilauro ship to take a breath of fresh air. The fresh sea air and the waves that rock the ferry will instantly soothe you. You'll arrive in Capri perfectly zen and full of energy.
To enjoy the incredible sea view
When we are on the coast, we often look for places that offer the best sea view. During the Amalfi Capri crossing, whether you are on deck, dining in the restaurant or relaxing in the comfortable lounges of the NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet or Alilauro ship, you will simply have a front row seat to the incredible spectacle that the sea offers. Everywhere, large windows will give you an extraordinary view of the azure blue sea to enjoy its soothing power.

Which companies operate between Amalfi and Capri?

If you're looking to travel between Amalfi and Capri by ferry, there are several companies to choose from including NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet or Alilauro who offer regular services between the two cities. You can find more information about the different ferry companies on this route and their departure times here.

NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo Amalfi Capri
NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo
Navigazione Libera del Golfo (NLG) was founded in 1950 and is based in Naples, Italy. The company offers ferry crossings in the Gulf of Naples and Sardinia area. On Vivanoda, you can compare Amalfi-Capri fares and book a NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo ticket between Amalfi and Capri. NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo operates 3 crossings a day to Capri from Amalfi and the journey time is 1 hrs.. More information about NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo
1 hrs.
3 crossings a day
Alicost Amalfi Capri
Alicost operates ferry services between Italy, including ferry connections between the ports of Amalfi and Capri. On Vivanoda, you can compare Amalfi-Capri fares and book a Alicost ticket between Amalfi and Capri. More information about Alicost
Positano Jet Amalfi Capri
Positano Jet
Positano Jet operates ferry services between Italy, including ferry connections between the ports of Amalfi and Capri. On Vivanoda, you can compare Amalfi-Capri fares and book a Positano Jet ticket between Amalfi and Capri. More information about Positano Jet
Alilauro Amalfi Capri
Alilauro is a ferry company based in Italy that offers ferry services between the Italian islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea, including Ischia and Capri. On Vivanoda, you can compare Amalfi-Capri fares and book a Alilauro ticket between Amalfi and Capri. Alilauro operates 7 crossings a week to Capri from Amalfi and the journey time is 1 hrs. 30 min. More information about Alilauro
1 hrs. 30 min
7 crossings a week

Where do the ferries leave from in Amalfi? Where do the boats arrive in Capri?

Port of departure in Amalfi

NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet or Alilauro ferries depart for Capri from the following ports in Amalfi:


Port of arrival in Capri

Alilauro, Positano Jet, Alicost or NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo ships arrive in Capri from the following ports:

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If you take a ferry from Amalfi to Capri, it will take you at least 1 hrs. to cover the 20 mi between Amalfi and Capri.

This often depends on the season (there are fewer crossings between Amalfi and Capri in winter) and the ferry company (NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet and Alilauro). There are currently 4 crossings a day between Amalfi and Capri.

There are 4 ferry companies operating between Amalfi and Capri: NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet and Alilauro.

Yes, absolutely, direct crossings are offered by NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet, Alilauro.

Before booking, compare the prices of NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet, Alilauro on our website Vivanoda. Then book the crossing of your choice easily and safely on our partner's website.

If you want to change or cancel your Amalfi Capri ferry booking, you can do so easily by contacting our partner who manages your booking. Please note that, depending on the fare conditions, some tickets are not refundable or changeable. It is important to take this into account when booking your ticket.

During your crossing between Amalfi and Capri, you will travel 20 mi.

To go by boat from Amalfi to Capri, you can find prices ranging from $26 for the lowest, to $30 for the highest. The average price we've seen is $29.

The first ferry leaves Amalfi at 08:25 for Capri.

The last ferry to Capri from Amalfi usually departs at 10:30.

What is the Amalfi to Capri ferry crossing like ?

If this is your first time on a ferry, it is not easy to imagine what a Amalfi-Capri crossing is like. We will therefore describe this unique travel experience, from embarkation in Amalfi to disembarkation in Capri, in order to help you better project yourself into the maritime world of NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet and Alilauro. You can also find some tourist and practical information about Amalfi and Capri.

Ready for boarding in Amalfi

Before you start your Amalfi Capri ferry cruise, here are a few steps to embark:

  • Presentation time at the port of Amalfi / You must arrive at the port of Amalfi sufficiently in advance. Please check with your Alilauro, Positano Jet, Alicost or NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo company. After this period, the company has the right to refuse you boarding.
  • Checking in for the Amalfi-Capri crossing / At the Amalfi ferry terminal, look for the NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet or Alilauro counters and present your passport and your reservation number. By car, the process is the same but is done directly from the boarding lanes. You remain in your vehicle.
  • Boarding the ferry to Capri / Information messages are broadcasted in the Amalfi ferry terminal to invite you to board. If you are traveling by car, Alilauro, Positano Jet, Alicost or NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo staff will give you instructions to board and park your vehicle on the ship.

Life on board the ferry between Amalfi and Capri

During the crossing, each person can take advantage of the services available on the NLG - Navigazione Libera del Golfo, Alicost, Positano Jet or Alilauro ship as they see fit. Some will want to relax in one of the reclining lounges, others will want to make the most of all the services offered on board or simply enjoy the view of the sea from the ship's deck.

The arrival of the ferry in Capri

Here is some information for the disembarkation in Capri:

  • The port of Capri is in sight / You will not be able to reach the garage until you are invited by the crew. There is no need to rush. It is best to wait on the outside decks to see the ferry maneuver into Capri harbor.
  • If you are in a cabin. / You will need to vacate your cabin approximately half an hour before arrival in Capri Harbor.
  • Leaving the ship and discovering Capri / Driving out of the ship's garage is fairly quick. Pedestrian passengers get off the boat even faster. The customs staff at the port of Capri can give you a check. Finally, your vacation in Capri begins in earnest!


Modes de transport
Time of departure
Arrival time