How to get to Paris?

Are you planning a trip to Paris? But you do not know how to get there? Vivanoda helps you organize your trip to Paris by letting you search and compare the best deals on train, bus and flights.

Train tickets to Paris

The train is an economical and ecological way to reach Paris. It allows you to easily arrive in the center of Paris and enjoy the sights.

Bus tickets to Paris

The long-distance bus is an extremely economical means of transportation for a stay in Paris. On the other hand, traveling by bus to Paris is much slower than by train or plane.

Flights to Paris

Flying is the fastest way to get to Paris. However, you have to add the time it takes to reach the airport, which is located outside the center of Paris. The prices of flights to Paris are also often attractive.

Transportation to Paris in figures

Number of airlines serving Paris
Number of stations or airports in Paris
2 airports
11 stations
17 bus stations
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Why search for tickets to travel to Paris with Vivanoda?

Why search for tickets to travel to Paris with Vivanoda?

When planning a trip to Paris, it is important to choose your mode of transportation based on your needs, budget, time and comfort. Whether you travel by train, bus or flights, your transportation choice can have a significant impact on the price and quality of your trip to Paris. That's why it's important to use a transportation and price comparison tool to buy a ticket to Paris.

Vivanoda is a handy tool that allows you to quickly find the best travel options to Paris in terms of price, time and quality. With Vivanoda you can compare the various train, bus and flights tickets available for your trip to Paris. This way you can find the cheapest and most suitable options for your needs.

The most popular routes to Paris

We present the most popular routes to Paris from all major European cities, whether by train, bus or flights. Whether you want to find the cheapest flight to Paris, the fastest train or the most comfortable bus, we have collected all the information you need to plan your trip to Paris with confidence.

Whether you are traveling from New York, Los Angeles, Brussels, Lille, Antwerp or Amsterdam or another major European city, we compare the different modes of transportation to help you choose the best option to get to Paris. You'll find information on the most popular routes, transport companies, travel times, ticket prices and tips for safe and comfortable travel. We have also included tips to save money and find the best fares to Paris. Whether you are a budget traveler or looking for the ultimate in comfort, you will find all the options to plan your trip to Paris with confidence.

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Travel to Paris by train

Where are the train stations in Paris?

To reach Paris by train, you can choose from 11 stations, including Paris-Gare-de-Lyon, Paris-Est, Paris-Nord, Paris-St-Lazare, Paris-Montp.3-Vaug. and Paris-Austerlitz.

Station located 1.4 mi from the center of Paris
Station located 1.5 mi from the center of Paris
Station located 1.7 mi from the center of Paris
Station located 1.9 mi from the center of Paris
Station located 2.1 mi from the center of Paris
Station located 1.3 mi from the center of Paris
Station located 1.9 mi from the center of Paris
Station located 1.7 mi from the center of Paris
Station located 14.2 mi from the center of Paris
Paris-Montparnasse 1-2
Station located 1.9 mi from the center of Paris
Station located 19.6 mi from the center of Paris
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Travel to Paris by bus

Tips to find a cheaper bus ticket to Paris

While bus travel in itself is an economical way to get to Paris, there are always ways to save even more.

Don't wait until the last minute to book your ticket to Paris
When you have found the lowest fare on Vivanoda for your trip to Paris from Brussels, Lille, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Liege or Dusseldorf, for example, select it and you will be redirected to the carrier's website (FlixBus, and ALSA). We recommend you book your ticket quickly, as fares can rise quickly!
Compare all bus offers to Paris
With Vivanoda you can view, filter and select all offers from FlixBus,, ALSA, Eurolines and Isilines in one search. Whether you are traveling from Brussels, Lille, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Liege or Dusseldorf, this makes it easier for you to find the ones that best meet your criteria in terms of price, time and duration.
Look out for FlixBus, and ALSA promotions
FlixBus, and ALSA regularly offer special offers and discounts, which can be a good opportunity to reduce your budget for Paris.

Where are the bus stations in Paris?

Here is the list of 17 bus stations (or bus stops) serving the city of Paris.

Aéroport Paris Charles de Gaulle - RoissyPole
Bus station 14.2 mi from Paris
Paris Charenton
Bus station 2.8 mi from Paris
Paris Galliéni
Bus station 2.9 mi from Paris
Parc d'autocars de la Porte Maillot
Bus station 3.5 mi from Paris
Bus station 1.8 mi from Paris
Paris-La Défense
Bus station 5.6 mi from Paris
Paris Quai de Bercy
Bus station 1.8 mi from Paris
Orly Sud
Bus station 8.7 mi from Paris
Paris Bercy (centre ville)
Bus station 1.9 mi from Paris
Paris Hôtel de Ville
Bus station 0.1 mi from Paris
Paris Opéra
Bus station 1.3 mi from Paris
Paris Marne La Vallée
Bus station 19.7 mi from Paris
Bibliothèque François Mitterrand
Bus station 2.0 mi from Paris
Etoile / Champs Elysées
Bus station 2.8 mi from Paris
Paris Gare Montparnasse
Bus station 1.9 mi from Paris
Tour Eiffel Suffren
Bus station 2.7 mi from Paris
Paris Gare de Lyon
Bus station 1.3 mi from Paris
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Flying to Paris

Some tips for cheap flights to Paris

To optimize your chances of finding a flight to Paris with the best value for money, there are a few rules to follow. We remind you of them here.

Compare prices for flights to Vivanoda
Always compare all offers and prices of flights to Paris. Using a platform like Vivanoda will facilitate this search.
If you book your flight to Paris several months in advance, you often get the best prices
The longer you wait to book your flight to Paris, the higher the prices are likely to be. Therefore, it is best to plan your stay in Paris well in advance.
Prefer to travel with low-cost airlines
By choosing low-cost airlines, you have a better chance of finding a cheap flight to Paris. Be careful, though, because these airlines often fly to secondary airports that are much less accessible from downtown Paris.

Where are the airports in Paris?

Flights to Paris arrive at the 2 airports of Paris Charles De Gaulle and Paris Orly.

Paris Charles De Gaulle
Airport is located 14.3 mi from Paris
Paris Orly
Airport is located 9.0 mi from Paris
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Travel and Transportation to Paris

When to visit Paris?

If you're looking for sunny beaches and blue skies, the summer months (July and August) are ideal for visiting the Mediterranean coast and enjoying high temperatures ranging from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius. However, this time of year is also the most touristy, which can lead to heavy crowds at the most popular resorts and tourist sites.

If you prefer to avoid the crowds and scorching temperatures, spring (April and May) and autumn (September and October) are ideal times to visit France. Temperatures are mild and pleasant, fluctuating between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius, and the weather is generally sunny with a few showers possible. It's also an ideal season to explore the wine regions, the Loire castles or enjoy local festivals.

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