How to get to Kalisz?

Are you planning a trip to Kalisz? But you do not know how to get there? Vivanoda helps you organize your trip to Kalisz by letting you search and compare the best deals on train.

Train tickets to Kalisz

The train is an economical and ecological way to reach Kalisz. It allows you to easily arrive in the center of Kalisz and enjoy the sights.

Transportation to Kalisz in figures

Number of airlines serving Kalisz
Number of stations or airports in Kalisz
1 stations
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The most popular routes to Kalisz

We present the most popular routes to Kalisz from all major European cities, whether by train. Whether you want to find the cheapest flight to Kalisz, the fastest train or the most comfortable bus, we have collected all the information you need to plan your trip to Kalisz with confidence.

Whether you are traveling from Krakow, Lodz, Lublin, Poznan, Wroclaw or Warsaw or another major European city, we compare the different modes of transportation to help you choose the best option to get to Kalisz. You'll find information on the most popular routes, transport companies, travel times, ticket prices and tips for safe and comfortable travel. We have also included tips to save money and find the best fares to Kalisz. Whether you are a budget traveler or looking for the ultimate in comfort, you will find all the options to plan your trip to Kalisz with confidence.

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Travel to Kalisz by train

Where are the train stations in Kalisz?

Kalisz station is the only station that serves Kalisz.

Station located 1.8 mi from the center of Kalisz
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Travel and Transportation to Kalisz

When to visit Kalisz?

If you like warm temperatures and sunny days, summer is the best time to visit Poland. From June to August, average temperatures oscillate between 20 and 25°C, with higher peaks sometimes reaching 30°C. Days are long, offering more time to explore sights, picturesque towns and enjoy outdoor activities. However, the climate can be unpredictable, with periods of rain and the need to bring adequate equipment.

In spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November), Poland offers milder temperatures, ideal for hiking, cycling and exploring nature. Average temperatures are around 10 to 15°C, although there can be significant variations from region to region. It's also a less touristy time of year, which means you can avoid the crowds and take advantage of reduced fares.

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