How to get to Eindhoven?

Are you planning a trip to Eindhoven? But you do not know how to get there? Vivanoda helps you organize your trip to Eindhoven by letting you search and compare the best deals on train, bus and flights.

Train tickets to Eindhoven

The train is an economical and ecological way to reach Eindhoven. It allows you to easily arrive in the center of Eindhoven and enjoy the sights.

Bus tickets to Eindhoven

The long-distance bus is an extremely economical means of transportation for a stay in Eindhoven. On the other hand, traveling by bus to Eindhoven is much slower than by train or plane.

Flights to Eindhoven

Flying is the fastest way to get to Eindhoven. However, you have to add the time it takes to reach the airport, which is located outside the center of Eindhoven. The prices of flights to Eindhoven are also often attractive.

Transportation to Eindhoven in figures

Number of airlines serving Eindhoven
Number of stations or airports in Eindhoven
1 airports
1 stations
1 bus stations
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Why search for tickets to travel to Eindhoven with Vivanoda?

Why search for tickets to travel to Eindhoven with Vivanoda?

When planning a trip to Eindhoven, it is important to choose your mode of transportation based on your needs, budget, time and comfort. Whether you travel by train, bus or flights, your transportation choice can have a significant impact on the price and quality of your trip to Eindhoven. That's why it's important to use a transportation and price comparison tool to buy a ticket to Eindhoven.

Vivanoda is a handy tool that allows you to quickly find the best travel options to Eindhoven in terms of price, time and quality. With Vivanoda you can compare the various train, bus and flights tickets available for your trip to Eindhoven. This way you can find the cheapest and most suitable options for your needs.

The most popular routes to Eindhoven

We present the most popular routes to Eindhoven from all major European cities, whether by train, bus or flights. Whether you want to find the cheapest flight to Eindhoven, the fastest train or the most comfortable bus, we have collected all the information you need to plan your trip to Eindhoven with confidence.

Whether you are traveling from Antwerp, Breda, Amsterdam, Brussels, Budapest or Maastricht or another major European city, we compare the different modes of transportation to help you choose the best option to get to Eindhoven. You'll find information on the most popular routes, transport companies, travel times, ticket prices and tips for safe and comfortable travel. We have also included tips to save money and find the best fares to Eindhoven. Whether you are a budget traveler or looking for the ultimate in comfort, you will find all the options to plan your trip to Eindhoven with confidence.

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Travel to Eindhoven by train

Where are the train stations in Eindhoven?

Eindhoven station is the only station that serves Eindhoven.

Station located 0.5 mi from the center of Eindhoven
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Travel to Eindhoven by bus

Tips to find a cheaper bus ticket to Eindhoven

While bus travel in itself is an economical way to get to Eindhoven, there are always ways to save even more.

Compare bus prices to Eindhoven
Vivanoda allows you to quickly view all prices and promotions from Eurolines CH, IC Bus, FlixBus, Eurolines and Blablabus. So whether you are traveling from Antwerp, Breda, Amsterdam, Brussels, Budapest or Maastricht, you can easily find your ideal bus ticket to Eindhoven.
Travel to Eindhoven with flexible dates
If you leave some slack in the date of your trip to Eindhoven, you increase your chances of getting a better fare with Eurolines CH, IC Bus, FlixBus, Eurolines and Blablabus, especially by avoiding peak periods.
Don't wait to book your ticket to Eindhoven
When you have found the lowest fare on Vivanoda for your trip to Eindhoven from Antwerp, Breda, Amsterdam, Brussels, Budapest or Maastricht, for example, select it and you will be redirected to the carrier's website (Blablabus, Eurolines and FlixBus). We recommend you book your ticket quickly, as fares can rise quickly!

Where are the bus stations in Eindhoven?

There is only one bus station (or bus stop) from which you can reach Eindhoven.

Bus station 0.4 mi from Eindhoven
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Flying to Eindhoven

Some tips for cheap flights to Eindhoven

To optimize your chances of finding a flight to Eindhoven with the best value for money, there are a few rules to follow. We remind you of them here.

Choose certain days for your plane departure
Avoid traveling to Eindhoven on busy days such as weekends. Flights to Eindhoven are often much cheaper during the week, especially on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Compare all airline offers.
Always compare all offers and prices of flights to Eindhoven. Using a platform like Vivanoda will facilitate this search.
Prefer to travel with low-cost airlines
Low-cost airlines to Eindhoven will certainly save you money on your flight. However, all on-board services are often not free.

Where are the airports in Eindhoven?

To get to Eindhoven by plane, arrive at Eindhoven Airport.

Airport is located 4.2 mi from Eindhoven
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Train, Bus, Flights to Eindhoven - Find cheap tickets

Travel and Transportation to Eindhoven

When to visit Eindhoven?

The best season to visit the Netherlands is generally summer, from June to August. During this period, temperatures are pleasant, fluctuating between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. Days are longer, which means more time to explore the beautiful Dutch cities, national parks and tulip fields. Temperatures are ideal for cycling along the canals, strolling through the lively streets of Amsterdam or enjoying the summer activities organized throughout the country.

On the other hand, the worst season to travel in the Netherlands is winter, from December to February. Temperatures are cold, sometimes dropping below freezing. It often rains and the days are short, which can limit the possibilities for outdoor visits. Nevertheless, if you like the atmosphere of winter and Christmas markets, this is a good time to visit. Dutch cities are decked out in festive lights and decorations, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere.

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