How to get to Cork?

Are you planning a trip to Cork? But you do not know how to get there? Vivanoda helps you organize your trip to Cork by letting you search and compare the best deals on train, bus and flights.

Train tickets to Cork

The train is an economical and ecological way to reach Cork. It allows you to easily arrive in the center of Cork and enjoy the sights.

Bus tickets to Cork

The long-distance bus is an extremely economical means of transportation for a stay in Cork. On the other hand, traveling by bus to Cork is much slower than by train or plane.

Flights to Cork

Flying is the fastest way to get to Cork. However, you have to add the time it takes to reach the airport, which is located outside the center of Cork. The prices of flights to Cork are also often attractive.

Transportation to Cork in figures

Number of airlines serving Cork
Number of stations or airports in Cork
1 airports
1 stations
63 bus stations
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Why search for tickets to travel to Cork with Vivanoda?

Why search for tickets to travel to Cork with Vivanoda?

When planning a trip to Cork, it is important to choose your mode of transportation based on your needs, budget, time and comfort. Whether you travel by train, bus or flights, your transportation choice can have a significant impact on the price and quality of your trip to Cork. That's why it's important to use a transportation and price comparison tool to buy a ticket to Cork.

Vivanoda is a handy tool that allows you to quickly find the best travel options to Cork in terms of price, time and quality. With Vivanoda you can compare the various train, bus and flights tickets available for your trip to Cork. This way you can find the cheapest and most suitable options for your needs.

The most popular routes to Cork

We present the most popular routes to Cork from all major European cities, whether by train, bus or flights. Whether you want to find the cheapest flight to Cork, the fastest train or the most comfortable bus, we have collected all the information you need to plan your trip to Cork with confidence.

Whether you are traveling from Dublin, Ballincollig, Youghal, Mallow, Midleton or Banteer or another major European city, we compare the different modes of transportation to help you choose the best option to get to Cork. You'll find information on the most popular routes, transport companies, travel times, ticket prices and tips for safe and comfortable travel. We have also included tips to save money and find the best fares to Cork. Whether you are a budget traveler or looking for the ultimate in comfort, you will find all the options to plan your trip to Cork with confidence.

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Travel to Cork by train

Where are the train stations in Cork?

Cork Kent station is the only station that serves Cork.

Cork Kent
Station located 1.7 mi from the center of Cork
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Travel to Cork by bus

Tips to find a cheaper bus ticket to Cork

While bus travel in itself is an economical way to get to Cork, there are always ways to save even more.

Be flexible on the date of your trip to Cork.
If you don't have a specific date to travel to Cork by bus, it's best to try several dates and avoid weekends, as tickets from Lombardstown Bridge, Little Island, Lisselan, Lissavaird, Lissarda or Lisheen are often more expensive!
Don't wait until the last minute to book your ticket to Cork
When you have found the lowest fare on Vivanoda for your trip to Cork from Dublin, Ballincollig, Youghal, Mallow, Midleton or Banteer, for example, select it and you will be redirected to the carrier's website (Bus Eireann, Citylink and AirCoach). We recommend you book your ticket quickly, as fares can rise quickly!
Look out for Bus Eireann, Citylink and AirCoach promotions
Bus Eireann, Citylink and AirCoach regularly offer special offers and discounts, which can be a good opportunity to reduce your budget for Cork.

Where are the bus stations in Cork?

Here is the list of 63 bus stations (or bus stops) serving the city of Cork.

Ballinlough (Whitehouse Hotel)
Bus station 127.5 mi from Cork
Bandon Rd (Interchange Eastbound)
Bus station 2.0 mi from Cork
Bishopstown Rd (Opp O'Connor Optician)
Bus station 1.8 mi from Cork
Bishopstown Road (Bishopstown Bar)
Bus station 1.6 mi from Cork
Blackrock Rd (Opp Kingswood Est)
Bus station 169.4 mi from Cork
Cork (Bus Station - Parnell Place)
Bus station 1.3 mi from Cork
Cork Airport
Bus station 3.5 mi from Cork
Cork Airport B'ness Park (Opp Amazon)
Bus station 3.3 mi from Cork
Cork Airport Road (Forge Hill Jctn)
Bus station 3.3 mi from Cork
CUH (Bishopstown Rd)
Bus station 1.3 mi from Cork
Dennehy's Cross (Opp Cork Farm Ctr)
Bus station 0.8 mi from Cork
Douglas Rd (Opp Ardfallen Mall)
Bus station 2.3 mi from Cork
Douglas Rd (Opp Eglantine School)
Bus station 2.4 mi from Cork
Douglas Rd (South Link Exit Slip Road)
Bus station 2.8 mi from Cork
Douglas Rd (St Finbarrs Hospital)
Bus station 1.6 mi from Cork
Douglas Road ( Rosebank)
Bus station 2.2 mi from Cork
Douglas Road (Belair Junction)
Bus station 1.8 mi from Cork
Douglas Road (Douglas Carryout)
Bus station 2.6 mi from Cork
Douglas Road (Whitethorn)
Bus station 2.0 mi from Cork
Douglas Village East (Shopping Centre)
Bus station 2.9 mi from Cork
Dublin Hill (Delaney Park)
Bus station 1.7 mi from Cork
Dublin Hill (Hawthorn Junction)
Bus station 1.8 mi from Cork
Dublin Hill (Opp Kilbarry Ind Est)
Bus station 2.0 mi from Cork
Dublin Hill (Opposite Pizza Hut)
Bus station 1.6 mi from Cork
Eglinton Street (Opp Webworks)
Bus station 1.3 mi from Cork
Evergreen Rd (Opp Presentation Sch)
Bus station 1.4 mi from Cork
Farmers Cross (Avenue 2000)
Bus station 3.6 mi from Cork
Grand Parade (Grafton Mall)
Bus station 0.9 mi from Cork
Infirmary Road (St Johns College)
Bus station 1.3 mi from Cork
Kent Station Cork
Bus station 1.6 mi from Cork
Lwr Glanmire Rd (Tivoli Opp Lovers Walk)
Bus station 2.8 mi from Cork
Lwr Glanmire Rd (Ferryboat House)
Bus station 2.1 mi from Cork
Lwr Glanmire Rd (Opp Bellevue Footbridge)
Bus station 2.4 mi from Cork
Lwr Glanmire Rd (Opp Belvedere Lodge)
Bus station 3.0 mi from Cork
Lwr Glanmire Rd (Port Park Gates)
Bus station 2.6 mi from Cork
Lwr Glanmire Rd (Water Street Jctn)
Bus station 2.0 mi from Cork
Mardyke (Presentation College)
Bus station 0.5 mi from Cork
Mardyke Walk (St. Joseph's School)
Bus station 0.4 mi from Cork
Model Farm Rd (Bishopstown Park)
Bus station 0.9 mi from Cork
Model Farm Rd (Dennehy's Cross Jctn)
Bus station 0.9 mi from Cork
Model Farm Rd (IDA Technology Park)
Bus station 1.4 mi from Cork
Model Farm Rd (Mount Mercy College)
Bus station 1.2 mi from Cork
Model Farm Rd (The Rendezvous)
Bus station 1.1 mi from Cork
Model Farm Road (Opp Ultralase Ireland)
Bus station 1.6 mi from Cork
New Commons Road (Commons Hotel)
Bus station 1.6 mi from Cork
New Commons Road (Dulux)
Bus station 1.5 mi from Cork
New Commons Road (North)
Bus station 1.7 mi from Cork
New Commons Road (Retail Park)
Bus station 1.5 mi from Cork
Ringaskiddy (Ferryboat Inn)
Bus station 8.9 mi from Cork
Ringaskiddy (Opp Deep Water Berth)
Bus station 8.7 mi from Cork
Sheares Street (Mercy Hospital)
Bus station 0.6 mi from Cork
South Mall (Opp Cork Passport Office)
Bus station 1.2 mi from Cork
South Mall (V.H.I. House)
Bus station 1.1 mi from Cork
South Terrace Opposite Irish Pensions
Bus station 1.3 mi from Cork
Southern Road (Capwell Rd Junction)
Bus station 1.5 mi from Cork
Thomas Davis St (Subway)
Bus station 1.3 mi from Cork
Victoria Cross (Victoria Lodge)
Bus station 0.6 mi from Cork
Western Rd (Opp Castlewhite Apartments)
Bus station 0.3 mi from Cork
Western Rd (Opposite UCC IT Building)
Bus station 0.4 mi from Cork
Western Road (Antone Guest House)
Bus station 0.3 mi from Cork
Western Road. (An Oige Hostel)
Bus station 0.3 mi from Cork
St. Patricks Quay
Bus station 1.2 mi from Cork
Cork Airport Car Park, Cork Airport Car Park
Bus station 3.6 mi from Cork
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Flying to Cork

Some tips for cheap flights to Cork

To optimize your chances of finding a flight to Cork with the best value for money, there are a few rules to follow. We remind you of them here.

Compare all airline offers.
Using a flight aggregator like Vivanoda ensures you have a wide selection of flights to Cork and optimizes your chances of finding the best flight with airlines like Wizzair, Ryanair,, Iberia and FlyBE.
Choose certain days for your plane departure
On certain days of the week, such as Tuesdays and Wednesdays, flights to Cork are less full than on Fridays or Sundays. Thus, they are cheaper.
If you book your flight to Cork several months in advance, you often get the best prices
Most airlines allow you to book your flight to Cork 12 months in advance. Fares are usually much lower than a few days before departure.

Where are the airports in Cork?

To get to Cork by plane, arrive at Cork Airport.

Airport is located 3.4 mi from Cork
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Travel and Transportation to Cork

When to visit Cork?

The best time to travel in Ireland is generally summer, from June to August. During this period, temperatures average between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius, with longer days and more sunshine. It's the ideal time to explore the Irish countryside, enjoying the beautiful green landscapes, spectacular cliffs and picturesque castles. Warm, sunny days are ideal for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling and picnics.

However, it's important to note that even in summer, it can rain frequently in Ireland. Showers are often brief but intense, so always bring an umbrella or waterproof jacket. Ireland is also prone to coastal fog, especially along the Atlantic coast.

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