
Ippocampo operates 3 ferry routes to and from 3 ports, including Ischia, Pozzuoli and Procida, with the main routes being Procida-Pozzuoli, Procida-Ischia, Pozzuoli-Procida.

Vivanoda helps you search for Ippocampo crossings, timetables and prices to find and book your ticket at the best price.

Ippocampo in figures

Number of ports
Number of ferry connections
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From which ports does Ippocampo operate ferry services?

Ippocampo operates ferry services between 3 ports: Ischia, Pozzuoli and Procida.

All Ippocampo ferry crossings

Ippocampo offers 3 ferry crossings. You can choose from a wide range of destinations: Ischia, Italy, Campania, Pozzuoli, Procida ... Departure and arrival times are updated regularly to offer travellers maximum flexibility. Tickets are available all year round at attractive rates. Search Vivanoda for more information on Ippocampo routes, prices and timetables.

Procida Italy
Pozzuoli Italy
From $11
6 mi
Ticket search
Procida Italy
Ischia Italy
From $10
5 mi
Ticket search
Pozzuoli Italy
Procida Italy
From $11
6 mi
Ticket search

Which countries are served by Ippocampo ships?

Ippocampo ships allow passengers to embark and disembark in only one country: Italy.

