Want to plan your trip without breaking the bank? Our bus ticket comparison platform is here to help! Discover the best deals on bus travel between different cities in the US, Canada, Europe and many other destinations worldwide.

With our service, you can quickly and easily find the best bus routes for your trip while enjoying affordable fares. We have selected for you the most reliable and economical bus companies to give you a pleasant and affordable travel experience.

With our bus trip planner, you can compare prices and schedules of different bus companies in a few clicks, making booking quick and easy. We also provide detailed information on bus stops, routes and travel times to help you plan your trip.

We offer a wide range of bus routes that allow you to discover the most beautiful destinations at competitive prices. Whether you want to discover New York, Miami, Houston or Los Angeles, our platform will help you find the best prices for your bus trip.

So go ahead and compare bus tickets now with Vivanoda! Enjoy low fares, quality services and a stress-free trip.

Popular destinations for a bus trip in the US

The United States offers a vast network of bus routes, providing easy access to countless destinations across the country. Whether you're planning a cross-country road trip or exploring a nearby city, traveling by bus is an affordable, convenient, and comfortable way to experience America's diverse landscapes, rich cultures, and architectural wonders.

With Vivanoda, you can easily compare bus ticket prices from various providers, ensuring you find the best deals for your journey.

Search for bus tickets

The United States boasts an array of captivating destinations to explore by bus, whether you're planning a quick getaway or an extended adventure. From the vibrant streets of New York City to the sun-soaked shores of Miami, and from the cultural melting pot of Los Angeles to the historic charm of Boston, there's something for every traveler to discover.

New York City, with its iconic skyline and bustling energy, offers a perfect blend of culture, cuisine, and entertainment. Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world, beckons with its glamorous Hollywood allure and diverse neighborhoods.

Miami's vibrant mix of Latin American influences, beautiful beaches, and vibrant nightlife makes it a must-visit destination. Chicago, known for its architectural marvels, world-class museums, and deep-dish pizza, promises an unforgettable experience.

San Francisco, with its picturesque bay views, eclectic neighborhoods, and iconic landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge, is a haven for culture seekers and food enthusiasts alike. Seattle, surrounded by natural beauty and known for its coffee culture and tech scene, offers a unique blend of urban sophistication and outdoor adventure.

From the historic streets of Washington, D.C., to the stunning vistas of the Grand Canyon and the majestic beauty of Yellowstone National Park, the United States is brimming with opportunities for exploration and discovery. Wherever your journey takes you, our bus ticket comparison platform is here to ensure you find the best fares for your American adventure.

Cork Dublin
Columbia Columbia Abilene Austin Concord Oakland Las Vegas Fayetteville Hayward Irvine Long Beach Modesto Ontario Oxnard Roseville Santa Maria Simi Valley Sunnyvale Victorville Visalia Colorado Springs San Bernardino Santa Ana Temecula Evansville Pueblo Cleveland Savannah Cary Huntsville Mesa Tucson Gainesville Mobile Tuscaloosa Phoenix Tempe Albuquerque Las Cruces Hampton Cedar Rapids Des Moines Joliet Raleigh Anchorage Wilmington Reno Sparks Baltimore Ann Arbor Dearborn Detroit Grand Rapids Richmond Anaheim Bakersfield Berkeley Clovis Manchester Downey Fairfield Fremont Fullerton San Diego San Francisco Aurora Fort Collins Hartford Saint Paul Philadelphia Baton Rouge Miami Saint Petersburg Topeka New Orleans Fargo Montgomery Orlando Tallahassee Tampa Dallas Corpus Christi Norman Oklahoma City Tulsa Naperville Rockford Fort Wayne Cincinnati Columbus Killeen Lubbock Springfield Billings High Point Saint Louis Omaha Allentown Providence New Haven Boston Akron Minneapolis Carlsbad Fort Worth Laredo Lewisville Jacksonville Fresno Murfreesboro Little Rock Washington D.C. Atlanta Antioch Memphis Tacoma New York Newport News Virginia Beach Everett Spokane Chicago Fort Lauderdale Lakeland Indianapolis Los Angeles Oceanside Pomona Sacramento Salinas Santa Clara Santa Rosa Vallejo Denver Stamford Worcester Charleston Seattle Milwaukee West Palm Beach El Paso Wichita Shreveport Denton Sioux Falls Amarillo College Station Eugene Pittsburgh Dayton North Las Vegas Yonkers Chesapeake Cambridge Houston San Antonio Waco Green Bay Buffalo Rochester Vancouver Orange Portland Chattanooga Columbus Knoxville Lexington Birmingham Louisville Toledo Salt Lake City San Jose Stockton Tyler Hollywood Lincoln Salem McAllen McKinney Plano Lafayette Springfield Madison Newark Norfolk Syracuse Provo Durham Nashville Clarksville Riverside Arlington Brownsville Charlotte Glendale Greensboro Bridgeport Jackson Lansing Honolulu Beaumont Independence Kansas City Henderson Springfield Peoria Alexandria Richmond Kansas City North Charleston
Zurich Geneva
Luxembourg City
Vienna Linz
Brno Prague

Frequently asked questions from travelers looking to buy cheap bus tickets for travel in the US

To find the cheapest bus tickets for your trip in the US, Canada or Europe, use Vivanoda, our online bus ticket comparison platform. Simply enter your departure and arrival city and the date of your trip and we will give you a list of bus companies with all available fares. You can then compare prices, schedules and services to choose the offer that best suits your budget and needs.

To book a bus ticket online, start a search on Vivanoda. Enter your departure and arrival city and the date of your trip and choose from the various offers available. Once you have chosen the offer, we will direct you to our partner where you make your online reservation. You will need to enter your personal and payment details to complete your booking. Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive by email your e-ticket, which you can print or download on your smartphone to show to the bus company during your trip.

Bus ticket cancellation and change policies vary from operator to operator. To cancel or change your booking, we recommend that you contact the respective bus company directly and check their policies on ticket changes and cancellations, as some fares do not allow changes or cancellations.

Some bus companies offer discounts for students, seniors or families. These offers can be found on Vivanoda, an online comparison platform for bus tickets. There may also be special offers for certain events or periods of the year.

Yes, many bus companies accept e-tickets on cell phones. However, it is important to check with your bus company before departure to see if this option is available.

We recommend arriving at the bus stop at least 15 minutes before the scheduled bus departure time. To avoid stress or rush, we recommend that you arrive at least 30 minutes before the bus departs.

Most bus companies send e-mail or text messages to inform passengers of bus delays or cancellations. You can also check the status of your bus online or contact the bus company directly. In case of cancellations or long delays, bus companies may offer refunds or rescheduling.

Baggage policies vary from bus company to bus company. In general, passengers are allowed one piece of checked baggage and one piece of carry-on baggage on the bus. The size and weight may vary depending on the bus company and ticket type. We recommend that you check the bus company's baggage requirements before traveling to avoid problems.

This depends on the bus company and the applicable reservation policy. Some carriers assign specific seats at the time of reservation, while others allow you to choose your own seat. It is important to check the operator's reservation policy before booking your ticket.

Most bus companies indicate on their website or online platforms for comparing bus tickets whether their vehicles are equipped with WiFi and/or power outlets. If this information is not clearly displayed, you can contact the bus company's customer service for more information.

Catering options vary from operator to operator. Some operators offer snacks and drinks on board, while others offer full meals. It is advisable to check the operator's catering policy before booking your bus ticket.

This depends on the bus company. Some operators allow pets on board, while others do not. It is important to check the operator's pet policy before booking your ticket.

This depends on the bus company you travel with. Some carriers offer accessibility options for people with limited mobility, while others do not. Check the carrier's accessibility policy before booking your bus ticket and contact the bus company's customer service department directly if necessary.

